Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Wasted day

Today I have been down with the flu - really not feeling well.  I tried to watch a movie, watch some useless tv, do some laundry, even my go to activity and try to crochet.  But nothing helped - I really hate these wasted days.  I feel like you only have so many days to do things in your life and days like this, where I don't even want to get out of bed are just sad.

Friday, July 27, 2018


Today is a ramble: 

Some days it just seems darker than other days.  I am trying to have hope that as a country we will find our way out of the woods that we seem to be lost in. 

Being kind and compassionate seems to have disappeared.  I can put blame on our countries leaders because they seem to have lost their ability to talk, compromise, be nice to each other.  But when I really get down to the bottom of it - it's all of our faults for accepting this behavior.  It's a slippery slope - someone runs a red light we let it go, when someone says something snarky we walk away.  And each time it's worse and worse until we get to the point that it's so very bad we start pushing back but as the pendulum swings wide we push back on anything and everything.   So now everything offends someone.   And everyone jumps on anyone who says anything because they can get away with calling it offensive and they feel very empowered to do so.  Even if the punishment doesn't fit the crime. 

What we have yet to learn as a society is that sometimes when people wish for things to go back to the good old days - it isn't about putting women back in the kitchen, or putting people of color at the back of the bus.  Sometimes its just about going back to being nice to each other,  putting down your cell phone and having a conversation.  Get out of your influence bubble and actually engage with others.  Women aren't returning to the kitchen, people of color aren't going to go away.  Their rights are just the same as your rights.  You cannot impose your will on them, and they cannot impose theirs on you. 

We have to be able to come to an understanding that people are equals - and that your beliefs may not be the same as someone else's.  But they are entitled to their beliefs the same as you are entitled to yours.  You can have a conversation with people who are different than you - you don't have to shout.  You may not change their minds and they may not change yours...but you may have a better understanding of why they think the way they do. 

Smile at someone today...do something nice for someone today.  Have a conversation with someone different than you.   We only have one planet. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


I posted this image on FaceBook earlier today because I loved the sentiment it presented.  I've always been a little bit of a free spirit and more than a little stubborn.  I'm not sure I qualify outwardly as "wild" anymore.   But there is definitely still a wild child somewhere inside me.  Age and arthritis have tempered it somewhat. 

Political Rant ahead:  I saw an article online today about our Attorney General smiling and laughing at a young leadership convention where the kids all started chanting "Lock Her Up".  It made me absolutely sick - and I don't mean metaphorically.  I actually felt sick to my stomach and my head started hurting.  I wondered about the people in Germany who were watching their country descend into madness and wondered how powerless did they feel while they watched?  These are children - and they have been indoctrinated - you will never convince me that the Trump regime (his word not mine) is not a cult.  His "base" could just as easily be called his "followers" or his "bretheren".  They believe anything that comes out of his mouth even when presented with facts.  And that is horrible if you are an adult but FFS these are CHILDREN!   This should be listed as abuse just the same as any other mental abuse. 

I think I need to go sit somewhere quiet and just try and meditate - it's been so hard to find peace since this administration. 

Monday, July 23, 2018


Let's try this again:

When you last heard from me things were very different.  I've moved three times - changed jobs twice, made new friends, lost some old friends.

Ranted about politics - felt helpless.   Marched and protested - felt empowered.

I am going to try and work from a place of empowerment.

A friend recently was musing about starting a blog and it made me realize how long I had neglected mine.  I can give all kinds of excuses, I was in a bad place emotionally (true), I was lazy (also true), I was too busy (very true). 

But this blog is more of a way for me to blast out my emotions, my thoughts, my ravings - sometimes it is funny, sometimes it's not.  But it helps me clear my head and show me the way to go forward.

If you read it I hope you enjoy it.  If you don't how would I even know?


Maybe I will put a reminder on my calendar so I can update this more often.  hmmm?  it's a start.