Tuesday, October 23, 2007

When is too much - too much?

Okay I want to start out by saying that I really HATE smoking. As a child I was surrounded by smokers, my parents, my cousins, grandmother, aunt, and various family friends. It is an addiction that is in the process of taking my mother from me. She is on oxygen for COPD, asthema and other various lung problems - but the addiction is too strong so she has been unable to give it up.

But this morning I saw this story about a device so that doctors can tell when a patient is lying to them about smoking. My question is - why? The story states that this "might be a cheap, easy way to help doctors talk to their patients about smoking." C'mon if a person lied to their doctor about smoking they already know that it can harm their health. And the last time I checked it wasn't against the law - so again I ask - Why?

What purpose would this serve? What's the doctor going to say to you? AH HA! You're not only a smoker but you are also a LIAR?

When do we realize that all of these little things add up to more big brother - watching us? thinking for us? punishing us? When did we become a society that just let everyone else do the thinking and living for us? Why is it that when you stand up and say something is wrong you're labled a liberal and no one listens to you anymore? When did being a liberal become a bad thing? Wake up people and think for yourselves while it's still possible to do so.

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