Wednesday, August 1, 2018


I know it's only 9AM but this is already where I'm at today.  Flu has me knocked off my game.  Had some coffee and that may not have been a great idea.  I really hate feeling so miserable, but then that kinda is the definition of the word miserable.

Turned on Morning Joe for a few minutes and now watching Stephanie Ruhle regarding the FB / Russia information.  And I'm surprised (but I guess I shouldn't be) by the people who seem to think this is new information.  Did people really think that it all just stopped after Trump got elected?    It wasn't that Russia wanted Trump - it was that they wanted the USA in chaos.  He was only one piece of the puzzle.  Think of it as a giant game of Jenga...yes Trump put a great big hole in the stability but all of the disinformation around him - and sowing all of the real "fake" news stories is what will finally destabilize us and bring us down. 

For a long time I've said that dystopian futures are closer everyday to happening.  And in all honesty I don't like to feel that way.  By nature I try to stay upbeat, centered, grounded.   I like to see the good in people, the beauty in the world.  I want to put on a beautiful piece of music and read a book, or sit and crochet while watching a good classic movie.  Go to a play, have a glass of wine with friends.  Watch videos of my beautiful grandchild as he learns about the world around him.

But I can't put my head in the sand and pretend that the things going on around us aren't really there.   Unfortunately not enough people are there yet.  People want to live in their little thought bubble and just imagine the world is just the way they want to see it.  We are in a week where the POTUS kicked a reporter out of a press event because he didn't like the questions she asked.   Where is the outrage among the public?  

Oh well - another day.   Maybe I'll write more musings later.

1 comment:

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