Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What I am thankful for...2013 version.

So as Thanksgiving approaches I take the time like most Americans to reflect on what I am thankful for.

 I am thankful for my family, and will again miss Jeffrey and Jessica very much.   But I know they are healthy and safe and will have good Thanksgivings where they are.

We have had quite a year; some health issues with family members but those things seem to have been taken care of, or are being taken care of and this makes us all very thankful.

We got to do some travelling this year; in March we went to Chicago to see Jeffrey’s graduation from basic training.  This was especially wonderful (other than the cold and snow!) because it was the first time in a couple that I got to see all my kids at the same time.  And we were very lucky because Dad came over from Iowa to join us too.  It was wonderful, very proud of him.   In May I got to fly up and spend a week with Dad, and then again August, Shelli and I went up and spent a week with Dad (Picked up Jayson), and then another quick impromptu trip in September when Dad had gallbladder surgery.   (So glad he came through that relatively unscathed  
J )  In October we went on a cruise with Jay and Shelli – 8 wonderful days in the Caribbean.  I warned everyone at work that I may just find an island and stay, it was a distinct possibility!

I’m very thankful that as parents we seem to have raised wonderful, well balanced, accepting kids who are adults that make us proud.   At breakfast with Jay and Shelli the other day the comment was made that we have raised our children correctly, and I believe this is true.  They are all moving forward in their lives toward their goals.  While sometimes they may have questions, they still go take chances.  We welcomed Pablo officially into the family this year with his and Mandi’s marriage!  HOORAY!  Looking forward to Jess and Adam’s wedding which will be here quicker than we can imagine.  Cameron’s college is progressing well it’s fun to hear the geekspeak every so often in our house.  And even though he was born last he certainly isn’t least – Jayson is growing into a fun young adult that I enjoy talking to and spending time with. 

This year when Shelli and I went to Iowa for our visit we were so very lucky to get there in time for the Price family reunion!  We got to see our Aunt and Uncles and so very many of our cousins…it has been YEARS since we got to spend time together and it was wonderful, so very much fun.  Great memories and I hope it won’t be so long next time. 

I can’t even begin to express my thankfulness for my friends; they are all such a big part of my life.  I cannot imagine not being able to share my sarcasm with them.   I love them all they make my family a big beautiful world.  This year brought weddings, parties, visits, whispered conversations, tears, fears, and laughter,  LOTS of laughter.   I am grateful that I can lean on them all and that when I am needed I can be the one leaned on.

And I am so very thankful that I live in a country that I can feel free to state my opinions without fear of my government’s repercussion. That I am working and have a roof over my head and that all of my family is also clothed, housed, and fed. I am thankful that when we sit down to our Thanksgiving feast I know the food will be wonderful and plentiful. And I wish that everyone could also have this joy.

 And finally I am happy if any of my friends or family took the time to read my long, self serving ramblings of what I am thankful for this year.

 Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I love you all!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Weekend Lag

I had a really nice weekend; manicure, pedicure, breakfast with Sprinkles on Saturday.  Also spent time setting up new desktop and working in the new cloud environment of Photoshop.  I'm trying to work through some online tutorials.  I am determined to actually learn Photoshop - not just for quick fixes.  So I downloaded the trial version since everything has gone to "cloud" now.

We also got our high end printer set up, we haven't used it for a while and I was worried that the print head would need replaced.  But everything worked and I was very happy. 

Small steps working towards an end.  Hoping to get some prints done for sale soon.   Step by step.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It's been a lovely cruise

Last week we went on an eight day cruise - my husband, my sister, and my brother in law all together in the Caribbean.  A wonderful time was had by all.  I have tons of pictures and will upload a few. 

We walked in a jungle in Honduras, and climbed Mayan ruins in Mexico, and I let a monkey climb on my head!  

But best of all - we relaxed.  It was an amazing adventure and I can't wait for the next one!

Monday, February 4, 2013

A Job Well Done?

Well the work I did over the weekend was appreciated by the Project Manager on my project, and my Manager...not sure if it was appreciated by the Sr. Quality Analyst on the project as to my knowledge she hasn't read it yet.

Lots going on at work - lots of moving parts projects moving back and forth.  Nothing new same things go on all over corporate America.  I may be a bit of a freak but sometimes I enjoy all the commotion.  But sometimes I really just don't understand people who are so high on their own fumes they don't understand that everyone is on the same team and trying to just create the best product for the company.  And even though I know the "why" it drives me crazy that people who revel in being a roadblock get to keep their jobs.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hello, Dolly!

Sitting at home today watching Hello, Dolly! I'm so glad they used this moving in Wall-E (The Streisand version - not Carol Channing)

I think this is where I learned how to work in Corporate America.  LOL  You have to be a friend to everyone and understand every little plot and subplot going on around you.  If you can understand and follow everything going on you will soar in the corporate world.  :)  Well at least you can try to.

This is the first weekend in months that I haven't been completely booked.  It's been a very busy year so far...I worked almost all day yesterday so it was good I wasn't planning on going anywhere.    Still not sure if I'm going to watch the Superbowl or not...recording it so I can see the commercials but just not that interested in the game.

Did some laundry - and some dishes...surfed some internets and now hmmm...what to do.  Think I will crochet for a while.  Have a couple things I'm working on creating.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Busy busy

I cannot believe how busy January is turning out to be. I thought things would slow down after Christmas but nope!

Concerts, plays, party's, dinners, and topping things off with a wedding!! Am I complaining?


- T

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