Monday, July 23, 2018


Let's try this again:

When you last heard from me things were very different.  I've moved three times - changed jobs twice, made new friends, lost some old friends.

Ranted about politics - felt helpless.   Marched and protested - felt empowered.

I am going to try and work from a place of empowerment.

A friend recently was musing about starting a blog and it made me realize how long I had neglected mine.  I can give all kinds of excuses, I was in a bad place emotionally (true), I was lazy (also true), I was too busy (very true). 

But this blog is more of a way for me to blast out my emotions, my thoughts, my ravings - sometimes it is funny, sometimes it's not.  But it helps me clear my head and show me the way to go forward.

If you read it I hope you enjoy it.  If you don't how would I even know?


Maybe I will put a reminder on my calendar so I can update this more often.  hmmm?  it's a start.

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