Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Guilty Pleasures

I was flipping through channels on the television last night not really interested - you know when you don't really know what you want to do? Watch a movie? Look for anything that may interest you? So I came across Frankie and Johnny. And I don't mean an Al Pacino movie - I mean ELVIS. Yes I admit it I am a sucker for an Elvis movie. I don't know why-and I don't try to figure it out - I just LOVE them!!!!! Elvis movies took a young girl from the middle of Iowa and transported her to places all over the world. When he was in Hawaii - I was in Hawaii! Years later when I actually did get to go to Hawaii, I secretly looked for places that I might recognize from Elvis movies. I probably drove my husband crazy singing songs from them. When I went to New Orleans - I was looking for balconies and people singing about Crawfish. And GI Blues took me to Germany - I haven't actually made it there yet, but if I ever do, you know I'll be looking for landmarks.

Especially dear to me are - Blue Hawaii, and Frankie and Johnny.
I think that Frankie and Johnny was the first time I realized the people on TV weren't really the characters they were playing. I was very young the first time I saw this movie and I knew Elvis wasn't Johnny - but there was Ellie May Clampett...on a showboat??? And did Jed know she was dressing that way and hanging around gamblers?
It's been 30 years since Elvis died, I was 11 years old and in the hospital for some minor thing when I heard. I rolled over and cried...sometimes I still do.

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